Forest City Sport and Social Club
The Forest City Sport & Social Club (FCSSC) exists to improve the quality of life for adults (19+) in London through fun, friends, fitness and connection to our community.
FCSSC is RECESS FOR ADULTS! They offer co-ed recreational sport leagues, tournaments, outdoor adventures and social events. Joining FCSSC is the most FUN way to meet new FRIENDS, keep FIT, and get CONNECTED to all the great people and things that are happening in London.
Canadian Blood Services
Canadian Blood Services is a not-for-profit, charitable organization operating at arm's length from government. Its sole mission is to manage the blood supply for Canadians. Created in 1998, it is the successor to the Canadian Red Cross Blood Program and the Canadian Blood Agency (the former funding arm of Canada's blood supply system). ToyotaTown has partnered with Canadian Blood Services to help improve the Canadian blood supply chain.
ReForest London
ReForest London is a non-profit organization dedicated to partnering with our community to enhance environmental and human health in the Forest City, through the benefits of trees.