MSD Leasing Program


Want to make money from a vehicle lease? It's possible!

Leasing a new Toyota vehicle can be a great option depending on your needs and situation. Did you know that Toyota has a leasing program that can also save you money?

Toyota's Multiple Security Deposit (MSD) program has the ability to net you reduced interest rates and reduced monthly payments without having to put down a non-refundable deposit. Here's how it works.

With Toyota, you can leave up to nine additional security deposits. This does not include a down payment. Typically, a security deposit is taken and held for the term of the lease. When the vehicle is returned to the dealership, the security deposit is refunded (assuming the vehicle is returned in good condition and within the allotted KMs). With the Toyota MSD program, each additional security deposit you leave reduces your interest rate, thus reducing the monthly payments. At the end of your lease term, the security deposit is handed back to you.

Here is an example:

  • 2015 Toyota Highlander LTD V6 4WD
  • Standard Lease for 60 months with zero down is $642.43 (plus HST) at 5.35%
  • No MSDS: $642.43 (plus HST)/month Max of 10 MSD's: $600.07 (plus HST)/month
  • Monthly savings: $47.76/month for 60 months
  • Term savings: $2865.60
For more information on how ToyotaTown can help you save money on leasing a new Toyota, please contact us as

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How Leasing Works

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